Introducing Miracle White: The Ultimate Whitening Soap

The global skin lightening products market was estimated at USD 9.96 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 5.5% from 2022 to 2030 to reach USD 16.14 billion by 2030. Given Nigeria’s high usage rate, it’s reasonable to infer that the country contributes a substantial portion to this global market.

According to the World Health Organization, 77% of women in Nigeria use skin lightening products and this is not about change anytime soon. Even with all the bad press about skin lightening the market is still expanding. Based on a personal survey at Trade Fair market – I discovered that marketers and distributors are more likely to accept skin lightening products as opposed moisturizers.

Apart from skin lightening creams and lotions, skin lightening soaps is another category of products that have seen tremendous increase in recent times. These category of product are most time sold 3x more expensive to their non lightening counterpart.

Although I don’t have an exact estimate or data on the sales of the product category but one thing is certain, the sales recorded is usually massive and mostly dominated by women. An average skin lightening soap can sell as much as N2500. This high usage rate is reflected in the fact that Nigeria leads in global skin whitening use.

Recently, I have been working on a Whitening Soap with the name Miracle White. Miracle White Daily Exclusive Whitening Soap is specially formulated to give you a visibly brighter, clearer and glowing skin. It works effectively to remove dark spots, freckles and also provides sun protection against harmful sunrays, giving you a brighter, softer & younger skin.

We needed a name is memorable, catchy and conveys the purpose of the brand. As the designer the upmost priority for me is to come up with an excellent design that is catchy and attractive enough to make our audience want to pick it up from the shelves.


lets talk about the image of choice

The image provided features a woman with a clear and even skin tone, which could be perceived as an aspirational result for consumers interested in skin lightening products. The use of white in the towel and sheet she is wearing can be associated with purity and cleanliness, themes often used in the marketing of skincare products. The simplicity of the image, with its neutral background and the subject’s direct gaze, allows the viewer to focus on the woman’s complexion, which aligns with the marketing message of a skin lightening soap that aims to promote a clear and even skin tone


Brand Guideline – Molecular Imagery

In the context of a skin lightening soap like Miracle White, this molecular imagery is intended to convey a sense of scientific backing or to highlight the presence of specific active ingredients that work at the molecular level to achieve skin lightening effects. It was place there to communicate certain values or benefits of the product. In the case of Miracle White, the use of a molecule in the brand imagery signifies the product’s claims of effectiveness, suggesting that it works at a molecular level to deliver skin lightening benefits. This is an attempt to appeal to consumers looking for products with scientifically proven ingredients or mechanisms.



The cover of your Miracle White skin lightening soap incorporates several elements that contribute to its standout design:


  • Color Scheme: The use of white and gold colors conveys a sense of luxury and premium quality. The white color is also symbolic of the product’s skin lightening benefits, while the gold implies a premium, high-end product.
  • Clarity of Message: The cover clearly states the benefits of the soap, such as “Brightens Complexion,” “Evens Skin Tone,” “Removes Dark Spots & Freckles,” which are all desirable attributes for potential customers[1].
  • Brand Positioning: The word “Paris”suggest a connection to French beauty standards, which are often associated with high-quality skincare products.
  • Product Features: The cover highlights that the soap is a “Daily Exclusive” and “Safe & Effective,” which reassures customers about the regular usability and safety of the product.
  • Quality Indicators: The use of stars and the label “Premium” serve as indicators of the product’s quality, suggesting that it is a top-tier option in its category.
  • Typography: The choice of fonts is modern and sophisticated, which helps to attract a contemporary audience and gives the product a professional appearance.
  • Trademark: The use of the registered trademark symbol (®) next to the product name indicates that the brand is established and protected, which can instill trust in consumers.

These elements work together to create a cohesive and attractive package that is likely to draw the attention of consumers looking for skin lightening and brightening solutions.


Introducing Miracle White: The Ultimate Whitening Soap2024-01-15T15:26:19+00:00

Unlocking Growth in the FMCG Personal Care Industry: Focus on Six Key Factor

In my experience driving FMCG brand, I have come to learn and understand that there are six factors that are the key drivers of success in the personal care Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) space. These six factors work together with one another and in your journey building you brand you should never neglect any one of these factors

Sales and Revenue Growth

The FMCG personal care sector sees steady demand as products like soap, shampoo, and toothpaste are daily essentials for consumers. Companies leverage extensive distribution networks to make products widely available. Urbanization and rising incomes in developing economies create major opportunities to access new consumer segments. E-commerce and digital platforms have emerged as important sales channels, often driving growth through discounts and promotional offers.


Brand Loyalty and Customer Retention

With frequent repeat purchases, brand loyalty is critical in personal care. Companies aim to retain customers through superior product quality, packaging innovations, and effective branding and positioning. Investing in consumer insights helps brands understand evolving preferences and expectations. Post-sales service and customer support help nurture loyalty. Strategies like loyalty programs and personalized engagement further help retain consumers.

Innovation and Product Development

Continuous innovation in ingredients, formulations, packaging and delivery formats, and value-added propositions gives brands an edge. Investing in R&D and consumer testing enables the development of differentiated products that deliver visibly better results. Technology is enabling innovations like smart packaging, personalized products, and sustainability improvements.

Marketing and Advertising

In a competitive landscape, impactful marketing and distributing through the right channels is key. Brands identify target consumer segments and tailor communication and pricing strategy accordingly. Celebrity endorsements, digital marketing, and influencer partnerships help expand reach. Monitoring channel performance provides insights to optimize distribution strategy.

Corporate Social Responsibility

As consumers get more socially and environmentally conscious, CSR activities like sustainable sourcing, ethical trade, and philanthropy help boost brand image and customer satisfaction. Companies are communicating CSR efforts through labeling and certification programs.

Resilience to Economic Conditions

The essential nature of personal care products makes the sector resilient to economic downturns. Consumers may switch to value offerings during such times, but deferrable expenditures are cut before daily essentials. Geographic and portfolio diversification also helps companies weather macro-economic challenges.

The success of FMCG personal care brands thus relies on a multi-pronged approach with attention to these key drivers. Agility in responding to market changes and consumer needs is equally vital for sustainable growth.

Unlocking Growth in the FMCG Personal Care Industry: Focus on Six Key Factor2024-01-14T17:09:09+00:00

How Body Mists Are Manufactured on an Industrial Scale

The growth of the body mist market, currently valued at over USD 6 billion and projected to reach USD 8.95 billion by 2032, is driven by several key factors. These include a growing consumer preference for natural and organic products, the influence of social media and celebrity endorsements, and the convenience and affordability of body mists. The expanding e-commerce landscape has also made a wide variety of body mists easily accessible to consumers, further boosting market growth. The rising popularity of fragrance products among both rural and urban populations, coupled with the light, quick-drying nature of body mists, has led to their increasing adoption for everyday use. The market is also being propelled by the growing interest in personal grooming among women, the trend towards gas-free deodorants, and new product developments, particularly in the organic body mist segment. Finally, technological innovation and advancement are optimizing product performance, making body mists more widely used in downstream applications. I have had the opportunity to work with several product development chemists to formulate dozens of body mists, and in that period, I have been able to gather a few details about the entire process. While the details outlined below don’t represent a detailed step-by-step process on how Body Mists are manufactured, they give an overview of what to expect.


Manufacturing a commercial body mist on an industrial scale involves several steps, including ingredient selection, extraction, blending, aging, dilution, and packaging. Here’s a detailed step-by-step process:

  1. Ingredient Selection: The first step is to select the ingredients for your body mist. This typically includes essential oils or fragrance oils, alcohol, distilled water, and sometimes glycerin
  2. Extraction: If you’re using natural ingredients like flowers or herbs, you’ll need to extract the essential oils from these materials. This can be done through various methods such as distillation, solvent extraction, enfleurage, or CO2 extraction
  3. Blending: Once the essential oils are extracted, they need to be blended together according to a predetermined formula. This is often done by a master perfumer, also known as a “nose” The oils are typically mixed with alcohol, which acts as a carrier and helps to disperse the scent when the body mist is sprayed
  4. Aging: After blending, the mixture is usually left to age for a period of time. This allows the different components to fully integrate and the scent to mature
  5. Dilution: The concentrated mixture is then diluted with distilled water to create the final body mist. The amount of water added will depend on the desired strength of the scent.
  6. Quality Control: Before the body mist is packaged, it undergoes a quality control process to ensure the scent, safety, and quality of the product
  7. Packaging: The final step is to package the body mist. This typically involves using automated filling machines to pour the body mist into spray bottles and sealing them with a pump, disc top, or cap
  8. Labeling: The packaging should also include a label with information about the product, including ingredients, instructions for use, and any necessary warnings

Remember, the quality of the ingredients and the precision of the blending process will greatly affect the final product. It’s also important to ensure that your manufacturing process complies with all relevant safety and regulatory standards

How Body Mists Are Manufactured on an Industrial Scale2024-01-12T15:46:21+00:00

How to Retain Customers in the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods Industry

When the subject is FMCG – getting customers in one thing and retaining customers is another thing. With FMCG, customer retention is a huge deal. You need to understand that building brand retention in the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) industry is a multifaceted endeavor that requires a consistent and ongoing effort to meet or exceed customer expectations, communicate effectively, and cultivate an emotional connection with the brand. It’s not always enough to just market or sell your products. The brand should endeavor to incorporate activities that lead to customer retention. I have spent over 15 years in the space and have learnt a thing or two. If you own an FMCG brand, below are some activities you should consider looking into:


Here are some strategies that FMCG companies can employ to enhance brand loyalty and customer retention:

  • Never Let Your Customers Down:

High-quality products and services are fundamental to customer retention. Customers should feel they can rely on the brand for consistent quality, which encourages them to remain loyal. The quality of your product should come first. You can’t water that down and expect repeat customers. You need to meet customers’ expectations if your aim is to retain them.

  • Utilize Omni-channel Strategy:

Engaging customers through multiple channels, such as online platforms, mobile apps, and physical stores, can help reach a wider audience and provide a personalized experience. Brands with strong omnichannel engagement are able to retain 89 percent of their consumers. Allow customers to browse products, read reviews, complete purchases across channels – website, mobile app, in-store, social commerce.


  • Contribute to Noble Causes:

Aligning with social causes can build loyalty as customers often prefer brands that demonstrate social responsibility and contribute to the community. If you are a baby skincare brand, you could choose to create a scheme to support new parents and provide them with some basic things and education they might need to navigate the process. There are so many social causes you can get involved in depending on your brand. Doing this ultimately creates goodwill.

  • Maintain Communication:

Regular and effective communication with customers is key. This includes being responsive to customer inquiries and feedback across various platforms.


  • Loyalty Programs:

Implementing well-designed loyalty programs can incentivize repeat purchases and foster a closer relationship between the brand and the customer. These programs can be tailored to the needs and preferences of specific customer segments, making them more effective at driving loyalty.



  • Email Marketing:

For indie beauty brands, email marketing has been a successful tactic to retain customers by offering them key products and promotional offers.


  • Customer Service:

Investing in customer service training, offering multiple channels for customer support, and responding promptly and effectively to customer inquiries and complaints can significantly increase brand loyalty.


  • Personalization:

Using data to understand customer preferences and tailor offers and communications can greatly enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. With a loyalty platform, FMCG businesses now hold valuable information such as who their consumers are, what they often buy and where, how often they buy, and so on. All this data can be leveraged into useful insights.



  • Marketing Automation:

Utilizing marketing automation tools can help in executing customer retention strategies effectively, such as upsell and cross-sell campaigns.



  • Trust and Transparency:

Building trust through honest communication about products, including any potential drawbacks, can foster long-term brand loyalty.


These strategies are not exhaustive but represent some of the most effective ways to build and maintain customer loyalty in the FMCG sector. By investing in customer loyalty, FMCG companies can set themselves apart from the competition and achieve long-term success in the market.

How to Retain Customers in the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods Industry2024-01-12T12:51:00+00:00